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  • 7 Ways to Use ChatGPT for Marketing ✅ Voices From the Grave with AI 👴 Get Ahead of 99% of Users on ChatGPT 🦄

7 Ways to Use ChatGPT for Marketing ✅ Voices From the Grave with AI 👴 Get Ahead of 99% of Users on ChatGPT 🦄

AI, Artificial Intelligence

AI and Business

Artificial intelligence (AI) stocks remain front and center, with C3.ai being accused by Kerrisdale Capital of “serious accounting and disclosure issues.”

The rising acceptance of customer service activities among businesses for the reduction in operating costs is anticipated to ascend the market growth.

Email marketing platform Mailchimp has introduced a set of generative AI tools for developing content and campaigns. The new Email Content Generator uses a mix of in-house and third-party AI models for the Intuit-owned brand, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s new Bard AI.

Some politicians are actually using generative AI tools such as ChatGPT to help them with everyday tasks such as speechwriting. Here are some of the first political figures around the world to leverage the technology.


AI Advancements

What if you could build an interface on top of your existing applications, so that instead of pointing and clicking, you could simply ask the computer to do a task for you and it would do it, based on the applications’ underlying model or your company’s internal language model.

London-based AI audiobook startup DeepZen has developed a system that can create deepfake audio recordings of living and dead voice actors with impressive emotional range. The tool could be revolutionary for small indie publishers who don’t have the capital to get proper human recordings of all their titles.

New AI Prompt

You are a Content Creation Specialist

Prompt: You are a content creation specialist that is very imaginative and persuasive. You will help me in drafting social media content that


AI Absurdity

In news sure to crush the souls of writers everywhere, it seems that ChatGPT and other artificial intelligence tools write just as well as humans do, at least, to a level that the average American adult finds indistinguishable.

While AI might help sleep-deprived college students ace term papers and give copywriters a creative boost, it has a potentially dark underbelly. We talked to David Carvalho, CEO and co-founder of Naoris Protocol, to unpack some of the not so pretty aspects of emerging AI technology and its potential to wreak havoc for businesses globally.


AI Productivity

In this article, we walk you through the basics of how to use ChatGPT for marketing. We also share a few of our favorite practical tips to bolster your marketing efforts.

The problem often lies not with the AI itself, but with the limitations and vagueness of the input provided. Instead of expecting the AI to think for you you should be the one doing the thinking and guiding the AI to perform the tasks you need.


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Humor From the Future

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