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  • AI Prompts Cheat Sheet 🎁 Little Known ChatGPT Tricks 🧡 How AI Can Save You 4hrs a Day ⏲

AI Prompts Cheat Sheet 🎁 Little Known ChatGPT Tricks 🧡 How AI Can Save You 4hrs a Day ⏲

AI, Artificial Intelligence

AI and Business

The article discusses the emergence of multiple audio models that use generative AI to create music, sound effects, and other audio. These models include many Google tools which have unique features for generating high-quality audio. These models will not replace human artists but will instead serve as sources of inspiration, potentially changing the audio industry.

Some predictions from Gates:

  • "Eventually your main way of controlling a computer will no longer be pointing and clicking or tapping on menus and dialogue boxes. Instead, you'll be able to write a request in plain English...."

  • "Advances in AI will enable the creation of a personal agent... It will see your latest emails, know about the meetings you attend, read what you read, and read the things you don't want to bother with."

  • "AI-driven software will finally deliver on the promise of revolutionizing the way people teach and learn. It will know your interests and your learning style so it can tailor content that will keep you engaged. It will measure your understanding, notice when you're losing interest, and understand what kind of motivation you respond to. It will give immediate feedback."

  • "AIs will dramatically accelerate the rate of medical breakthroughs. The amount of data in biology is very large, and it's hard for humans to keep track of all the ways that complex biological systems work. There is already software that can look at this data, infer what the pathways are, search for targets on pathogens, and design drugs accordingly. Some companies are working on cancer drugs that were developed this way."

  • AI will "help health-care workers make the most of their time by taking care of certain tasks for them β€” things like filing insurance claims, dealing with paperwork, and drafting notes from a doctor's visit. I expect that there will be a lot of innovation in this area.... AIs will even give patients the ability to do basic triage, get advice about how to deal with health problems, and decide whether they need to seek treatment."


New Productive AI Prompts

Act as a Cover Letter Writer

Prompt: You will act as a cover letter writer. I want to write a new cover letter for a new position I'm applying for. You will compose a cover letter describing my technical and managerial skills that include XYZ, ABC, 123, etc. Then write write a cover letter for a the follow job position. Here is the job description: (cut-n-paste job description here)


AI Advancements

The article lists several AI-powered tools that can help automate tasks and improve productivity in various areas such as communication, content creation, and data analysis. The author emphasizes the need for businesses to stay current with AI advancements to remain competitive.

The article provides an overview of AI prompts, including their use and benefits in various industries, the development of ChatGPT as a popular AI prompt model, ethical considerations and future improvements, as well as tips on creating effective prompts.


AI Absurdity

The increasing ability of AI to synthesize a person's characteristics and predict individual behavior raises the question of whether AI philosophical theorizing is on the horizon. Experts argue that AI can never replace human philosophical thinking, others believe that AI can contribute to philosophical discourse and expand the scope of human knowledge.


Freshly Hatched AI Prompts


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